I found this on Bren's blog and thought it would fun to do. So, here it goes.
- Who is your man? He is Teddy B
- How long have been together? We've known each other for 13 years. We started dating almost 10 years ago and got married 7 years ago.
- How long dated? We dated for 2 1/2 years before getting married.
- How old is your man? He turned 35 last Saturday.
- Who eats more? Him by a long shot.
- Who said "I love you" first? I did.
- Who is taller? He is. He's 6 feet tall, I'm 5 feet, 3 inches tall.
- Who sings better? I do.
- Who is smarter? Depends on subject. I'm smarter on computer programs. He's smarter when it comes to poker.
- Whose temper is worse? Neither one of us has a big temper. We're pretty even keeled people.
- Who does the laundry? I do and I love it.
- Who takes out the garbage? I do, he will if I ask him.
- Who sleep on the right side of the bed? He does. Although when we are in a hotel I always have to sleep next to the radio.
- Who pays the bills? He pays some, I pay some.
- Who is better with the computer? That would be me.
- Who mows the lawn? The landscape company. One of the reasons we bought a condo was so we wouldn't have to mow the lawn.
- Who cooks dinner? I do, unless it's steak. Then he cooks.
- Who drives when you are together? He does, except when we are on vacation. We learned early on that vacations are less stressful if I drive and he reads me the directions. Better yet, we get a GPS in the rental car.
- Who pays when you go out? He does nearly all of the time.
- Who is most stubborn? Neither one of us is stubborn.
- Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I am
- Whose parents do you see most? His parents. My parents live 1,500 miles away. Plus he works in the family business.
- Who kissed who first? It was a draw. Our first kiss was at midnight, New Year's Eve, 1999.
- Who asked who out? He asked me first.
- Who proposed? Me - on the side of the Pennsylvania Turnpike on a foggy night with a semi driving by my car.
- Who is more sensitive? Me
- Who has more friends? He does. He is a social animal. I prefer to stay home.
- Who has more siblings? He is 1 of 6. I am 1 of 4.
- Who wears the pants in the family? We share who is in charge.
- How did you meet? At the family business. I was already working there when he started.
Sweet P
1 comment:
you proposed? that's awesome! how'd you pop the question?
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